201215_El Pino_ WaterStation

Better Things LLC (BTLLC) comes from seeing firsthand, living in Guatemala for 12 years, the need for better access to clean water. It is self-evident. Individuals and families suffer unnecessarily from water-borne diseases, with the inevitable effects of hardships such as missed school, work, and unaffordable medical expenses.

This pursuit brought about theBlackBox Series. BTLLC designs point-of-use, clean water solutions for individuals, families, and communities in the belief that better access to clean water is possible. 

Our Mission
To provide effective point-of-use, clean water solutions for the people that need them.

About Us

Origin Story for Better Things LLC
and theBlackBox Series

theBlackBox Series

Simple, effective, point-of-use
clean water solutions.

Social Project

Details Coming Soon!
Water filtration for schools.